문제 설명
[ solved.ac/lukanel ]
#math #number_theory
This problem is a special problem made by lukanel
, the leader of [ 재능 ]
If you solve this problem at any time, you will become a member of [ 재능 ]
t={\sum_{l=1}^{\infty} \{{(-1)^{l-1}\over l} \sum_{r=0}^{\infty} {1 \over l2^r+1}\}}
and n,k is given, caculate
$$ \phi(n)\sum_{i=1}^n [gcd(F_i,F_{X_i})\{lcm(i,i+1,{\dots},i+k)\}^t] $$
But, output it modulo $10^9+7$.
($\phi$ is Euler's totient function$\phi$$F_n$ is n’th fibonacci number, $X_n$ is n’th prime.)
$(1≤n≤10^{18}, 0≤k≤30)$
#math #number_theory
입력 설명
Natural numbers n and k are given.
출력 설명
Output the answer with a single number.
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10 3
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